Monday, October 12, 2009

Still Menu Planning

I may be the only person who even ventures to this blog anymore, but thought I would share where I was in my menu planning endeavor.

My husband went on a major dietary change last November. He is now a part time vegetarian and so many of my recipes are now null and void. I have had to re-think what we eat and seriously cut down on the meat. On top of that we have entered the land of busy kids. We are at gymnastics twice a week after school. All in all, my menu planning has become easier just by the fact I don't have as much to choose from. I am working on adding to the recipes we use, but it takes time to find those things that taste good, fit the health requirement, and don't cost a fortune. Eating healthier is still more expensive.

We almost always eat soup, sandwiches, and salad on Tuesday nights. (It's a gymnastics night.) I have found a great soup line by Pacific Natural Soups. They carry several varieties such as roasted red pepper and tomato. It's better than the canned soups or boxed V8 that we tried. Plus, we can store what we don't use in the fridge to have the next week. Also, we can offer the girls what ever kind of sandwich they want. Reese is the pickiest eater I've ever met. If she doesn't turn into crunchy peanut butter at some point, I will be shocked.

So, as I find good recipes I will post them still. But I doubt my menus will be much help to anyone at this point!

Happy Fall!

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