Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's Been A Long Time Since We Rock and Rolled...

Wow, it really has been a long time since I've posted on my other Blogger blog and even longer since I've shown my face around here.

I did start out with the best intentions, but once I became a working momma, it was just too hard to keep up with this menu planning thing for everyone else. I have, however, continued to plan my menu two weeks at a time for the past year and a half. Frankly, planning the menu isn't time consuming, but putting recipes out here for everyone takes forever.

And frankly, I don't plan on starting now. BUT, I am going to slowly but surely add my recipes to this blog one at a time so when I do have time to bless the world with my time and money saving work, (ha ha ha!) the process will be so much smoother.

If you happen on this blog and are curious, keep checking back. 90% of my recipes are what I consider to be easy and (now more than ever) busy mom (or dad) friendly. I don't come up with anything on my own, and will give credit to where it's due whether cookbook, website or friend.

In the meantime, Bon Apetite! I have no idea if I spelled that right.

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