Thursday, April 29, 2010

Plan To Eat: Menu Planning Website

Once I get into a routine, it's very hard for me to change. Decorated a wall in the house? It will look just like that in 10 years unless we move. Clothes? Wear them until they are worn out, regardless if they have gone out of style. So, when Terry asked me to try a new menu planning website I was not excited. At. all. After all, I've been doing this for years and my way works just fine. (Not bitter. Much.)

But he persisted (as usual) and got me to give a shot for 30 days. I was mainly leery because it meant me inputting my recipes. Frankly, I have a lot of recipes all neatly organized in a binder with sheet protectors. Easy to flip through, add to or take out.

What I Love:
Drag and drop feature once I've inputted a recipe.
Auto shopping list based on meals I've planned and date range I've requested.
Ability to "follow" another subscriber and have access to their recipes.
It's just very visually appealing.
Auto updates to my Google Calendar.

Not My Favorite:
Inputting all of my recipes. However, once it's done, it's done.
It's not free. It is however only $5/month or $40 for the year if you pay up front.
Wish my Google Calendar would update to Plan To Eat.
I don't like change. But I guess that's not a really good reason.

So, I will be using Plan To Eat from this point forward. If you want to connect with me and share recipes, sign up and let me know! The first 30 days is free. If you don't like it, no loss.